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tue aug 9 2022

i have an album forthcoming. it's called "painting a picture". i'm hoping it sounds like playing ur ds in your room as a kid or baking cookies in the winter or laundry fresh out the dryer

++trying to practice drawing more.. difficult. be well ! <3 ♥ <3 (saved 1:53PM)

sun aug 7 2022

trying to spend more personal time with the computer. trying to spend more personal time w/ myself. trying. and writing and making.

i would like to start collecting stamps. i had a warm cup of tea today when i was cold. it's too warm now, i miss the breeze and my blankets.

you leave your love around town for me to run into. 
bloody knees and a scar on my cheek, 
I never see it before I'm face down. I hoist it up a tree,
I wait for it to fall on my head.

I call you up just to shoot the breeze but all we kill is time.
I'd carve your name into everything
   if I had the patience.
      but you settle for me sighing into your machine. so very far away

link. thank you. see you again some other time (saved 6:35PM)